Acromove in EAGE Expo 2018, Copenhagen

The European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) is a global professional, not-for-profit association for geoscientists and engineers with approximately 19,000 members worldwide. It provides a global network of commercial and academic professionals to all members. The association is truly multi-disciplinary and international in form and pursuits. All members of EAGE are professionally involved in (or studying) geophysics, petroleum exploration, geology, reservoir engineering, mining and mineral exploration, civil engineering, tunneling and environmental matters. EAGE operates two divisions: the Oil & Gas Geoscience Division and the Near Surface Geoscience Division.

Backed by all major global corporations in the energy sector and with an in-depth technical programme, short courses, workshops and field trips, a fantastic social programme and capped off by an extensive exhibition of the world’s largest and most innovative companies in energy, geoscience and engineering, the EAGE Annual Conference and Expo 2018, that will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark on June 11-14, 2018, will define the future of geoscience.

MEET US AT BOOTH 1604 (Building C3, Theater Area).

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