Join Acromove at The Edge Event, London, June 14-15, 2022

Acromove will speak and exhibit its Edge Cloud datacenter infrastracture solutions at The Edge Event in London.

The Edge Event gathers enterprises, telcos, cloud service providers, analysts and array of edge and IoT solution providers all looking to secure their place at the edge. The whole edge ecosystem will come together for 2 days of innovation, networking, and debate to shape the future of edge computing

WHEN: June 14-15, 2022
Acromove Booth: # 5

Don’t miss Acromove’s presentation titled:

“What has stopped the Edge computing market from taking off?”
*** 15:00-15:20 on June 14 ***

After years of being touted as one of the next big things, Edge computing has yet to take off. Edge computing is seen as critical to many of the exciting next generation applications like industry 4.0, smart farming, autonomous vehicles, the metaverse and many more. So why hasn’t this linchpin to the future taken off? We will explore the complex answer which is partly due to the slow and limited roll out of 5G technology but primarily the result of the industry adopting the wrong technology and business model for Edge computing.

Joe Costello, Executive Chairman & EVP Sales and Marketing, Acromove, Inc.

Schedule a meeting with Acromove at The Edge Event:
To schedule a meeting with Acromove at the Edge Computing Expo, contact

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